Futura font is one of the popular fonts that is often used to create designs such as logos, posters, and also to create marketing banner designs. The popularity of Futura font is indeed due to the fact that this font has clear letter characters that are easy to read and understand if used in a design.
In addition, futura font has a fairly modern design and high flexibility to be used for various design purposes. Futura font also has a version of thin, thick, or oblique lines like in general other fonts. In addition, the minimalist font style is often the choice of designers to use this font for their design needs.
To use this font you must install it, after you download the font, you first extract the font, then you double click on the font file, and select the install button. After that the futura font will appear in the font type option in the application you use on your Windows operating system.
The futura font that we share has a size of approximately 474kb and contains 19 futura font styles that you can install and use according to your needs. Of course, each design will require a different style to maximize the results, so we recommend that you install all font styles to be more flexible in choosing later.
For those of you who are interested in using futura fonts for design and other purposes, you can download fonts through the following link.
Futura Font Download
Font name: Futura Font
Size: 474kb
Style: 19 type
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